Men’s Ministries

The role of Men’s Ministries

  • Communicate with the members and employees on behalf of the South Atlantic Conference Administration.
  • Communicate with communities throughout the South Atlantic Conference territory about the Seventh-day Adventist Church either directly or indirectly through local church communication directors.
  • Serve as a resource for pastors, local church leaders, and Conference departmental directors and support staff.

Department Responsibilities

Develop and conduct on a periodic basis a wide variety of programs and activities that will meet the various contemporary needs of a diverse male constituency.

  1. Encourage and facilitate meaningful spiritual, mental, and emotional growth among the men of the church.
  2. Work with a small administrative committee to make plans and policy.
  3. Communicate with the church secretary and pastor when scheduling programs.
  4. Serve as the conference men’s ministries representative to the local church.
  5. When requested assist the conference director in planning meetings that are for the benefit of all the men of the conference.
  6. Serve as a communicator of news of interest to men that is disseminated from the division, union, and conference men’s ministries programs.
  7. Mentor someone else in this ministry.
  8. Report to the family ministry committee and/or church board.


Men's Ministries Team

Nathanael Gracia


Dalaya Whyte

Departmental Secretary