Evangelism Report from Dublin, GA

Dublin SDA Adventist Company is a small but powerful congregation located in the South of Georgia State close to Savannah Beaches and beautiful lakes, and from June 1 to 8 they consecrated all week to impact the church members and guests with the power of the message of Christ. As a result of this evangelistic week, four precious souls were baptized thanks to Pastor Roberto Guerrero who promptly responded us our need!!!

A special gratitude to Elder Roberto Guerrero and his family.

The main speaker during that week was our lay pastor Fulgencio Hernandez who allowed the Holy Ghost to work through him and for us with a powerful message and the theme “Transformed by Jesus”.

The baptismal ceremony took place this past Saturday, June 8, 2024 at a beautiful lake.

We praise the Lord for the Dublin SDA Adventist Company, for all brothers, sisters, and children involved in one mission…work more for Jesus and rescue more people for His kingdom.

To God be the glory!!!

Sabbath, January 18, 2025, the Ebenezer Seventh-day Adventist Church in Augusta GA acknowledged the God given talent of service and

On October 12th, the beautiful and new Sanctuary of Gastonia Hispanic SDA Church in North Carolina was officially inaugurated. This

During the week of the passion from March 23 to 30, and an effort-intensive of evangelization in our Hispanic churches

Sabbath, January 18, 2025, the Ebenezer Seventh-day Adventist Church in Augusta GA acknowledged the God given talent of service and

West Broad SDA Church in Savannah, Georgia held its very first International Day on September 28, 2024. Despite the chaotic