The South Atlantic Conference National Service Organization, NSO, serves our members in uniform, providing spiritual support, encouragement, and resources to our Adventist military personnel. NSO co-labors with the conference youth department and is a vital link to additional resources through the Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries Office, North American Division. NSO serves three important people groups;
For the Church: NSO provides honest assessments and knowledge of the church’s position concerning military service and is a positive and loving link for families to communicate concerns and receive assistance for loved ones in uniform.
For the Youth: Through local church NSO Days and AYS seminars, NSO helps our youth make an informed Christ-centered decision concerning military service. It also provides one-on-one counseling to youth who may be in the valley of decision concerning enlistment, sharing wisdom on what to expect should they volunteer by enlistment into military service as a practicing SDA.
For the SDA Soldier: NSO makes assistance referrals for our SDA military personnel who encounter problems of conscience and religious accommodation issues while serving the nation; or will link the SDA military Personnel with an SDA Chaplain. It also provides periodicals and other media to SDA in uniform to strengthen and encourage them during their term of service.
Anointing and Dedication Ceremony for Adventist Soldiers
Whenever a young man or woman from our churches joins the military, the local church is asked to conduct a dedication service on his/her behalf. The anointing and dedication could take place during the worship service, or a specialized service can be planned as a farewell and dedication; following you can see a sample of the service:
The Pastor/Elder calls the young soldier to the podium.
The Pastor/Elder gives the member encouragement and thanks for committing to serve the country. A few words regarding faithfulness to God and protection in times of crisis are very appropriate.
The Pastor/Elder presents the National Service Organization Kit* to the soldier.
The Pastor and the Elders of the church surround the soldier and have a special prayer of anointing, dedication, and protection for him/her.
*The National Service Organization Kit can be obtained at your local Conference’s Adventist Youth Ministries Department. The Kit contains a small pocket size: Bible and Steps to Christ. It also contains an NSO Subscription card, which, if filled out, entitles the soldier to receive two Adventist publications plus the Sabbath School Quarterly and the Adventist Review while he/she is on active duty.
For more information about Adventists in the military, click on this link.
Southern Union Military Chaplains
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