
The Department of Communication provides communication and support services for the South Atlantic Conference. This is done by sharing the various events happening in our churches and schools, within our communities, and in the lives of our church members. We also support church communication leaders by offering information and resources to assist in the work of telling the Good News to their churches and communities.

The role of the Communication Department

  • Communicate with the members and employees on behalf of the South Atlantic Conference Administration.
  • Communicate with communities throughout the South Atlantic Conference territory about the Seventh-day Adventist Church either directly or indirectly through local church communication directors.
  • Serve as a resource for pastors, local church leaders, and Conference departmental directors and support staff.


  • Client service for departments, members, schools, and constituent members.
  • Produce stories and press releases for both internal publications and public media.
  • Conduct regional communication training seminars.
  • Produce and publish a newsletter prepared for the employees of South Atlantic Conference.
  • Produce stories for Southern Tidings, a monthly magazine prepared for the membership of the Southern Union Conference.
  • Produce annual camp-meeting brochures, SAC announcements, posters, etc.
  • Facilitate crisis public relations.

Basic Information for the Church Communications Officer

Southern Union Magazines/Publications
Southern TidingsCommunication Resources
Society of Adventist Communicators
An organization supporting and providing continuing education, nurture, socialization, and recognition for Seventh-day Adventists with a career in communication.Southern Tidings Style Manual
Defines the standards writers follow when submitting articles to be published in the Southern Tidings. These styles include the appropriate use of punctuation, abbreviations, and format to provide consistency for readers.14 Quick Tips For Southern Tidings Submissions4 Observations On Taking Good Photos

Southern Union Crisis Manual (English Version)
When a crisis happens, how do you respond? The Southern Union has created a Crisis Manual to help guide you through what steps should be followed, depending on the magnitude of the crisis.

Southern Union Crisis Manual (Spanish version)
When a crisis happens, how do you respond? The Southern Union has created a Crisis Manual to help guide you through what steps should be followed, depending on the magnitude of the crisis.

Adventist News Network (videos)
Church Sign Resources

Church Safety: Active Shooter (English)
Church Safety: Active Shooter (Spanish)
“Did You Know?” video series: 28 Fundamental Beliefs of SDA
How to Write Your Church’s History
Ministry Magazine” of the “Ministerial
NAD Social Media Guidelines
Oakwood Radio: Praise 90.1 FM
Planning Your Church Anniversary


Communications Team

James Lamb

Human Resources/Communication