Prison Ministries

About Us

Prison Ministries was established through the direct commission from our Lord and Savior to visit those in prison as found in Matthew 25:42-46.

Prison Ministries volunteers are trained to minister in the areas of evangelism, mentoring, discipleship, correspondence, life-skills and family support. Dedicated volunteers are lay preachers, Bible study leaders and Christians who are willing to go into the prison walls to minister to the downtrodden, oppressed, and sometimes forgotten individuals of our society.


The South Atlantic Conference Prison Ministries department’s mission is to take the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, share the love of Christ and bring hope to incarcerated men and women and their families. We believe no life is beyond God’s reach and all are loved by God and worthy of our attention.

Prison Volunteer Application and Training Process

Before you can become an approved prison volunteer, you must submit a Volunteer Application, receive approval. Check with your local Prison Ministry Department or call our office for more information.


Prison-Ministries-QSG – This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions, recommended resources, and more.
Prison Ministry Handbook – available in English and Spanish at
17 Course Prison Ministry Development Curriculum—available at


Prison Ministries Team

Frank Harrell

Director Personal/Prison Ministries

Teresa Hairston

Departmental Secretary